I just went to Target.com and made a Missoni wishlist. When you go to their website, click on TargetLists and search under "Rachelle Style" as the first and last name. That was FUN!
Here are a few of the items that I chose:
I would wear all three together with black pumps or the cardigan and sweater vest as a twinset with black skinny jeans and purple shoes.
If you get bored, go on over to Target.com and look at my list. Then make a wishlist of your own!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I've made a few changes to the bottom of my posts. First, I've made it easier to find the comments portion. Second, I have added a "Reactions" portion where you can simply click on a reaction to the post. Finally, I put both portions directly below the post so that they will be more convenient. Happy reading!
D-backs minivacation
Our minivacation to Phoenix to see the Arizona Diamondbacks play the Padres was one of the most wonderful experiences ever.
The night before we went to the game, we had dinner at Texas Roadhouse. As we were standing outside the door, waiting to be paged, who should walk up with friends and family but none other than Brandon Webb, former starting pitcher for the Arizona Diamondbacks! I got the opportunity to speak with him briefly but didn't want to bother him for an autograph or pictures.
When we arrived at Chase Field nearly 2 1/2 hours before the game was supposed to start, there were already thousands of fans in line. But as we stood in line in the sweltering heat, a gentleman with the ballpark came by and told us that another line had no waiting to get in. We went and got into that line, and by doing so, were able to receive our 2001 World Series Champions ring replica.

The previous replica that had been given out years ago was kind of small and not very sturdy. This replica is heavy duty and probably as big as the actual ring. (I've actually touched one of the real World Series rings! Thanks Mr. JT!!!) There were others staying at our hotel who didn't get a ring replica this time and were totally bummed when they saw ours.
The pre-game was the 2001 World Series Champion Diamondbacks team reunion. They were all there except for Craig Counsell (who sent a video greeting).

They showed clips from the games of the 2001 World Series on the JumboTron at Chase Field. Most especially of Louis Gonzales making the hit that brought in the winning run in Game 7. It was electric!

But even more than all of that, it was humbling and touching. There were clips of the players talking about their visit to Ground Zero and sharing their thoughts about playing in the World Series after September 11th. I don't think there was a dry eye in the entire stadium as Dr. Jesse Armstrong played the National Anthem on his trumpet, just as he had at the beginning of Game 7 of the 2001 World Series. After which, the entire stadium was filled with chants of "USA! USA! USA!" - Padres and Diamondbacks fans alike.
What I loved about this very special reunion was that it took us back to a World Series that was played during a time of great tragedy, chaos and uncertainty and yet, it still gave us back some normalcy in our lives during such a horrific time in US history.
My Grandmother on my Dad's side had passed away on Halloween of 2001 and I remember watching Game 7 of the World Series with my extended family the night before her funeral. That was such a bittersweet memory for all of us. As will be my memory of this unforgettable weekend.
When we arrived at Chase Field nearly 2 1/2 hours before the game was supposed to start, there were already thousands of fans in line. But as we stood in line in the sweltering heat, a gentleman with the ballpark came by and told us that another line had no waiting to get in. We went and got into that line, and by doing so, were able to receive our 2001 World Series Champions ring replica.

The previous replica that had been given out years ago was kind of small and not very sturdy. This replica is heavy duty and probably as big as the actual ring. (I've actually touched one of the real World Series rings! Thanks Mr. JT!!!) There were others staying at our hotel who didn't get a ring replica this time and were totally bummed when they saw ours.
The pre-game was the 2001 World Series Champion Diamondbacks team reunion. They were all there except for Craig Counsell (who sent a video greeting).
They showed clips from the games of the 2001 World Series on the JumboTron at Chase Field. Most especially of Louis Gonzales making the hit that brought in the winning run in Game 7. It was electric!
But even more than all of that, it was humbling and touching. There were clips of the players talking about their visit to Ground Zero and sharing their thoughts about playing in the World Series after September 11th. I don't think there was a dry eye in the entire stadium as Dr. Jesse Armstrong played the National Anthem on his trumpet, just as he had at the beginning of Game 7 of the 2001 World Series. After which, the entire stadium was filled with chants of "USA! USA! USA!" - Padres and Diamondbacks fans alike.
What I loved about this very special reunion was that it took us back to a World Series that was played during a time of great tragedy, chaos and uncertainty and yet, it still gave us back some normalcy in our lives during such a horrific time in US history.
My Grandmother on my Dad's side had passed away on Halloween of 2001 and I remember watching Game 7 of the World Series with my extended family the night before her funeral. That was such a bittersweet memory for all of us. As will be my memory of this unforgettable weekend.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Why do men whine?
The Hot Tamale was home from work today. He was sick. He has a little cold. But I just want to know . . . Why do men whine when they're sick? Most of them are worse than little kids.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Tea party #2
We used the green and gold china again. We started with tea and crumpets (aka iced vanilla chai and animal crackers). We also had tea sandwiches, salad and watermelon (chicken panini, potato salad and watermelon). For dessert, we had small tea cakes (a mammoth banana cupcake cut into triangles).
It was a special day for the girls because they were allowed to use fine china, not a play tea set, and wear real pearls.

My Royal Wedding tea party
If you remember, I TRIED to stay up all night so that I could watch the Royal Wedding live but ended up falling asleep about an hour before it started. I also had plans to get all dressed up with a fancy hat and everything.
Instead I had to watch recorded coverage online in my pajamas. But I DID still have my Royal Wedding tea party by myself. lol
On my menu was vanilla chai tea, pecan shortbread cookies and an assortment of sugar-free chocolates including English toffee squares. Now that I'm typing this, the menu sounds just a little dull.
I just wish that I had planned a much larger tea party for my friends and we all could have dressed up and everything. Maybe when Harry gets married . . .
Friday, September 9, 2011
A Conversation with Edith Head

I was online yesterday, when I came across a notice for a one-woman show called "A Conversation with Edith Head". I am soooooo getting tickets for this show! I just hope I'm not too late.
The blurb says "This show offers behind-the-scenes stories about Hollywood's greatest stars from the woman who worked on more than 1,100 films and dressed the greatest stars of Hollywood. During her career, Head won eight Academy Award and was nominated for 35." It didn't say where the material is derived from, whether it's fiction or from personal diaries or papers. But I'm still excited to see the show. It doesn't start for another week so I've still got time to track down tickets. Wish me luck in hunting them down!
My reflections of September 11th
Since I won't be near a computer over the weekend, I've decided to share my reflections of September 11th with you today. These were my own personal memories and experiences from that day. It is still very painful to even think about that day. There are still some of my memories and experiences from that time that I cannot share.
I woke up early that day because I couldn't sleep. I had tossed and turned for nearly an hour before deciding to get up. I went into the living room and turned on the television and flipped to the news. The first plane had already hit the first tower and the initial reports were that it was a missile. I was stunned.
Then the second plane hit the second tower and I was horrified. I began to panic. Were we under attack? Was this the beginning of a war? Why was this happening?
I called the Hot Tamale at work to let him know what was happening. I called my parents to let them know what had happened because they don't watch television. That was when I really got scared. That was the first time in my entire life that I remember hearing fear in my parents' voices. I finally broke down in sobs and pleaded with them to tell me how we would ever be able to get through this. They talked about the day that JFK was assassinated and how everyone walked around in a state of shock for days and weeks and months afterward, completely shell-shocked. But they also reassured me that we would get through it and that it would be something that would stay with us for the rest of our lives.
I then called my sister, Wonder Woman, as she was in the military at that time and would be headed to her job on base. Since she had been on her way to work when the first attacks took place, she didn't know that much about what was going on. As we were talking, reports of the plane hitting the Pentagon were coming in and I told her what had happened. She hollered the news to those around her and I could hear a commotion ensue. People running. People yelling. They needed to start accounting for their personnel. They needed to start backing up computers. I had to get off the phone. I didn't want to hang up with her as I was afraid that I would never talk to her again. But I had to because she had a job to do.
I called my parents again to let them know that my sister was okay. Then my stepson, the Thespian, woke up. I had to tell him what had happened but still reassure him that we were going to be okay. How was I supposed to tell a child about the horrific events that had transpired when I couldn't even make sense of it myself?
He later told me that his first memory of that tragic day was of me, standing in the hallway, with big, tear-filled eyes, peering out from a completely ashen and horror-stricken face, and with trembling voice, telling him that we had been attacked but that I wasn't sure what was happening. I had him go ahead and get ready for school.
I continued to watch the news coverage while I prepared for work. I knew this would be the end of our world as we had known it. Then came the news of the plane going down in a field near Shanksville, PA. It had possibly been headed to Camp David. My heart shattered into a million pieces at the overwhelming feeling of loss. So many had died and I knew that. And not knowing exactly what was going on or what to do was very disconcerting.
I tried to compose myself and get the Thespian off to school. Then I called the Hot Tamale again and asked him what I should do with his son. I couldn't leave him at school. We both worked far enough away from the school and if something were to happen, we wouldn't be able to get to him. We both agreed that I would go and check him out of school and take him with me to work.
When I arrived at his school, there was a stream of parents who were already there to take their children out of school.
Most of the rest of that day was a blur. I continually watched and listened to the news coverage. For hours. For days. For weeks. For months. I didn't lose anyone close to me that day, yet I still felt a very profound loss. I think we all did. The entire world.
But there is actually a bittersweet story from that day. It was the first time that I ever spoke to my Baby Bro. He had been raised by another family back in the Washington DC area. His parents worked in positions that would give them reason to periodically be in the Pentagon. I called their home to make sure they hadn't been there that day. He answered the phone and I knew immediately that it was him. I had never spoken to him before but I just knew it was him . . . my Baby Brother. Once we had established that his parents were safe and sound, we started to talk. We talked about everything as though we had never lived apart. We were like old friends. I think we talked for about 5 or 6 hours that night. If that tragic day had never happened, I don't know if I would have ever established any sort of tie with my Baby Brother. But now, he's like my best friend.
He went on to join the Marines as the result of September 11th and served a tour of duty in Iraq.
Wonder Woman also went on to serve a tour of duty in Kuwait.
Still, to this day, I am still shell-shocked when I see images from that day. I have had other memories from that day that are still too painful to share . . .10 years later.
I woke up early that day because I couldn't sleep. I had tossed and turned for nearly an hour before deciding to get up. I went into the living room and turned on the television and flipped to the news. The first plane had already hit the first tower and the initial reports were that it was a missile. I was stunned.
Then the second plane hit the second tower and I was horrified. I began to panic. Were we under attack? Was this the beginning of a war? Why was this happening?
I called the Hot Tamale at work to let him know what was happening. I called my parents to let them know what had happened because they don't watch television. That was when I really got scared. That was the first time in my entire life that I remember hearing fear in my parents' voices. I finally broke down in sobs and pleaded with them to tell me how we would ever be able to get through this. They talked about the day that JFK was assassinated and how everyone walked around in a state of shock for days and weeks and months afterward, completely shell-shocked. But they also reassured me that we would get through it and that it would be something that would stay with us for the rest of our lives.
I then called my sister, Wonder Woman, as she was in the military at that time and would be headed to her job on base. Since she had been on her way to work when the first attacks took place, she didn't know that much about what was going on. As we were talking, reports of the plane hitting the Pentagon were coming in and I told her what had happened. She hollered the news to those around her and I could hear a commotion ensue. People running. People yelling. They needed to start accounting for their personnel. They needed to start backing up computers. I had to get off the phone. I didn't want to hang up with her as I was afraid that I would never talk to her again. But I had to because she had a job to do.
I called my parents again to let them know that my sister was okay. Then my stepson, the Thespian, woke up. I had to tell him what had happened but still reassure him that we were going to be okay. How was I supposed to tell a child about the horrific events that had transpired when I couldn't even make sense of it myself?
He later told me that his first memory of that tragic day was of me, standing in the hallway, with big, tear-filled eyes, peering out from a completely ashen and horror-stricken face, and with trembling voice, telling him that we had been attacked but that I wasn't sure what was happening. I had him go ahead and get ready for school.
I continued to watch the news coverage while I prepared for work. I knew this would be the end of our world as we had known it. Then came the news of the plane going down in a field near Shanksville, PA. It had possibly been headed to Camp David. My heart shattered into a million pieces at the overwhelming feeling of loss. So many had died and I knew that. And not knowing exactly what was going on or what to do was very disconcerting.
I tried to compose myself and get the Thespian off to school. Then I called the Hot Tamale again and asked him what I should do with his son. I couldn't leave him at school. We both worked far enough away from the school and if something were to happen, we wouldn't be able to get to him. We both agreed that I would go and check him out of school and take him with me to work.
When I arrived at his school, there was a stream of parents who were already there to take their children out of school.
Most of the rest of that day was a blur. I continually watched and listened to the news coverage. For hours. For days. For weeks. For months. I didn't lose anyone close to me that day, yet I still felt a very profound loss. I think we all did. The entire world.
But there is actually a bittersweet story from that day. It was the first time that I ever spoke to my Baby Bro. He had been raised by another family back in the Washington DC area. His parents worked in positions that would give them reason to periodically be in the Pentagon. I called their home to make sure they hadn't been there that day. He answered the phone and I knew immediately that it was him. I had never spoken to him before but I just knew it was him . . . my Baby Brother. Once we had established that his parents were safe and sound, we started to talk. We talked about everything as though we had never lived apart. We were like old friends. I think we talked for about 5 or 6 hours that night. If that tragic day had never happened, I don't know if I would have ever established any sort of tie with my Baby Brother. But now, he's like my best friend.
He went on to join the Marines as the result of September 11th and served a tour of duty in Iraq.
Wonder Woman also went on to serve a tour of duty in Kuwait.
Still, to this day, I am still shell-shocked when I see images from that day. I have had other memories from that day that are still too painful to share . . .
Baby Bro,
Hot Tamale,
Wonder Woman
Thursday, September 8, 2011

So this weekend, the Hot Tamale and I are headed to the Arizona Diamondbacks game. They are playing the San Diego Padres at Chase Field. It's gonna be awesome! The Diamondbacks are doing really good this season, so I really hope they win.
The reason that there are two logos up top is because one is the original and the other is the "updated". Personally, I always preferred the black, teal and purple logo that they started out with. But I know that the red is supposed to represent the landscape of Arizona.
In honor of September 11, the World Champion Arizona Diamondbacks team from 2001 is having a reunion. It is going to be so humbling yet exciting to be there.
Help the Troops
A few weeks ago when I was watching the evening news, they had a story about a program that helps the troops overseas. It's a program called Coups for Troops. This is how it works - you send your current OR expired coupons to the address below (they handle the rest). They are then forwarded to various military contacts overseas and the troops are allowed to use them at the PX for up to 6 months beyond the expiration date. So bust out your coupons and donate whatever you don't use!!!!!
Coups for Troops
P.O. Box 147
Winnabow, North Carolina 28479
Whether or not you support the war, you have to support the men and women that are fighting it.
Coups for Troops
P.O. Box 147
Winnabow, North Carolina 28479
Whether or not you support the war, you have to support the men and women that are fighting it.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Such a lovely picture
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Rockin' shoes

These would be soooo fun to wear with a completely black and white outfit - a white tie-neck blouse with black polka dots, a black pencil skirt and a black crocodile-embossed structured bag. Clean makeup with a strong red lip. If you really want to go all out, add some black gloves, either with or without fingers. Bellisima!
Monday, September 5, 2011

I'll admit it - I am easily distracted by shiny objects. It's true! I looooove jewelry. So I was really excited to see what Kate Middleton was going to wear for her royal wedding. So here is a picture of her wedding bling.
The tiara is the Cartier "Halo" tiara that King George VI purchased for his wife in 1936 and was given to Queen Elizabeth for her 18th birthday. The Queen loaned it to the Duchess of Cambridge for her special day.
The earrings were a gift from Kate's parents. The dangle in the middle of the earrings is an acorn - from the Middleton family crest.
And, of course, there is the ring. The beautiful 18-carat saphire and diamond ring that Prince Charles gave to Princess Diana for their engagement. It was then presented to Kate Middleton by Prince William as his "way of making sure that my mother didn't miss out". I haven't heard anything about the actual wedding band that the Duchess of Cambridge wears but I believe it to be either a gold or platinum band - simple and just like Diana.

The Duchess didn't wear any other jewelry for her wedding. She is truly a classy, elegant, yet simple lady.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Edna Mode vs. Edith Head

I don't know how many of you have seen the movie "The Incredibles". If you have, then you will recognize Edna Mode. It is said that Edna Mode was modeled after Edith Head. What do you think? I'd have to say that it's a pretty close call. They look VERY similar but I think that if they were in a fight, Edna Mode would win because she has all kinds of neat gadgets built into the super suits she makes. But I'd have to say that Edith Head was a fashion GENIUS and Edna Mode was just a genius.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
A delightful "new" website

I mean it . . . I really do. I can actually relate to Isla Fisher's character from "Confessions of a Shopaholic". (Though I'm a much better dancer!) Whenever I stumble across a website that is new to me that gives me something to be excited about, I feel obligated to share it with everyone.

style inspiration,
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