Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Jason Bourne School of Beauty

Vanessa Hudgens went from this . . .

to this!

Evidently she cut her hair herself for a movie role. I always love me a hair makeover, especially if there is a drastic change, but I'm not sure if I like this one. It may just be the way that she has it styled. I don't know.

Perhaps she should have sought a crash course in haircutting at the Jason Bourne School of Beauty before she and her director started cutting!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In honor of her daughter's birth . . .

In honor of Victoria Beckham FINALLY having a baby girl, I decided to post some of her many hairstyles. The first picture is probably my all-time favorite of all of her hairstyles. Mrs. Beckham has the bone structure for short hair. When she went from her blond A-line to the dark pixie cut, I thought that she looked absolutely amazing!

But one thing that she really ought to try is an actual, genuine smile.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What a lazy bum!

Wow! Have I been a lazy bum or what??? I have not posted on my blog in over a month. What a deadbeat I am!

When I begin updating again in the coming days, I will be posting pictures not just from my Royal Wedding tea party but also from a tea party I had with 2 little girlfriends of mine. so stay tuned. It was alot of fun!