The Royal Wedding finally got here and whizzed right by me! I'm sad to say that I actually fell asleep before the wedding so I didn't get to watch it live but I did watch it after I got up.
I stayed up all night. I read, I did crossword puzzles, I watched crime shows, I did everything I could but, alas, it did not work. But moving on . . .

They were so natural and relaxed around each other, even though you could still see that they were both nervous (even after all these years together). Prince William winked at his Princess. They shared loving glances and smiles. Their waves were not the typical small circle like Queen Elizabeth II uses. Catherine was so regal and composed the entire time. And I was EXTREMELY impressed to learn that she had done her own makeup!
She didn't want Prince William to see her in her dress until she arrived at the altar and he honored that request. He actually ended up being the last person to see her in her dress. But I bet, it was worth the wait. She . . . was . . . stunning!