I exfoliate my skin several times a week. It makes my skin
sooooo soft! I use a loofah, a bath brush or exfoliating gloves and sometimes, I even use a body scrub. I have found that it helps my skin retain the moisture better. I have horribly dry skin so every little bit helps.
I have a wierd obsession with dollar stores. My two favorites are Family Dollar and Dollar Tree. Dollar Tree is my favorite because everything
actually is a dollar.

Have I mentioned that I love Audrey Hepburn?! She was just such an amazing human being. Anyhow, I have this exact picture hanging right here in my "office".

It's poster size in a black frame.
My favorite flowers are lilies. I really like the purple calla lilies that come out around Easter as well as the stargazer lily.

And, in case you couldn't tell, my favorite color is purple. I actually wear alot of purple. Alot of people make comments about how much purple I wear. I guess it's a little bit like Elle Woods and her obsession with pink in the "Legally Blonde" movies.
In closing, I just want to point out that I LOVE Holly Golightly's pink dress from "Breakfast at Tiffany's".

P.S. Her hair is absolutely amazing in this movie as well!