Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This is what happens when you play with matches - unsupervised

This is a picture of the smoke plume from the Wallow Fire. It was taken by someone by the name of Leslee Wessel. I do not know this person but liked the ominousness of this photo.

The fire is now 18% contained (woohoo!) and has exceeded the Rodeo-Chedeski Fire acreage. It has consumed in excess of 469,000 acres. And it HAS crossed the border into New Mexico. The total cost so far is over $31 million.

I have heard a very disturbing rumor - actually several. But this by far is the worst one I've heard. That the idiots who left their campfire unattended ACTUALLY left it attended . . . . . by their 2 defenseless dogs who were tied to a tree. They ran like cowards and left the dogs behind to perish in the fire. That just broke my heart for those dogs. But I do not believe that they will have died in vain if this is indeed true. There were still tags attached to the remains so they will be able to track these idiots down that way.

These idiots should make the stupid news. Couldn't that be compared to leaving your phone number with the hot bank teller that you're robbing?

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