Friday, June 10, 2011

EEEEEWWWWW . . . . .

A couple of weeks ago, the Hot Tamale planned a daytrip and took me to the Arizona Science Center exhibit "Body Worlds and the Brain". I had been wanting to see this exhibit F - O - R - E - V - E - R ! I thought that seeing what our insides look like would be so fascinating. I also expected for him to hate every second of it. I was wrong.

When I was viewing the first portion of the exhibit, I overheard a boy tell his dad that is was "so cool but kinda gross". My sentiments exactly.

I ended up dragging my Hottie through the exhibit, trying to get him to go faster and stop reading everything. While there were many portions that were extremely interesting and fascinating, there were parts that left me very disturbed.

The body parts (bones, organs, partial bodies, body slices) that were on display were interesting. They had a set of healthy lungs, a set of smokers lungs and a set of coalminers lungs on display in one case. It was shocking how much worse the coalminers lungs were than the smokers lungs. It was also absolutely fascinating to see kidneys with various types of diseases. They had a heart that showed a mitral valve repair (I have a family member who has had one of those done). They had all kinds of organs that had tumors in them. The PARTS were all so cool.

The part that I had trouble with was the WHOLE bodies on display, especially the babies and the pregnant woman. I think it was because you could see their faces and that was when you realized that what you were looking at had been an actual living human being.

There were so many parents who were there with young children. I left there so traumatized that I fail to see how taking a child, of any age, to this exhibit would be beneficial to their well-being. Educational, perhaps, but traumatizing.

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