Friday, April 1, 2011

Royal Wedding Confessions

I have another confession to make. As a young girl, I watched the "first" royal wedding on July 29, 1981, between Prince Charles and Lady Diana 9 times on television. That's right - 9 times! It was truly a fairy tale. The dress with it's 25-foot train, the bouquet, the carriage, the fanfare, just everything. It sucked me right in.

I think that it is absolutely amazing that Prince William was able to give Princess Diana's engagement ring to his Princess. That has to be so special to Kate Middleton.

I absolutely loved Princess Diana. I admired her. I adored her. I was fascinated by her. I would have LOVED to meet her in person. I have several books that were written about her life. She was so flawed yet still so compassionate. I loved that she was such a hands-on mom to the Princes. She always went against what was expected of her and she was so strong. She always stood up for herself. It may not have always have been all that constructive but she did what she felt was right. She had such style, such class.

I had just started dating the Hot Tamale when she died. I remember that I had just woken up when I heard the news of her passing. I was devastated. Poor HT called me that morning and I was in tears. He probably thought I had completely lost my mind.

In the days following her passing, I actually went out and purchased Elton John's single on cassette from Princess Diana's funeral. He redid his song "Candle in the Wind". I'm sure I still have it. I just don't know where it is.

I think that Prince William looks so much like his mother but not only that, he exhibits so many of the same personality traits as his amazing mother. It's just too bad that she isn't here in person to see what a great son she raised and to get to know her amazing daughter-in-law. Princess Diana was truly an amazing woman.

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